Its been another hot minute since I've updated, but im blogging everyday now, seriously haha.So Last Friday, I was going to watch Dark Knight wid YO! set, but I got in trouble.Bcos Thursday I didn't go to class and the DUMBASSES that sit near me tried covering for me saying "he has a family thing, hes going to be layte.." when I kept txting back IM NOT COMING , and his dumb ass kept saying WHEN ARE U COMING?!? like 50 million times like wtf my ngggga, im trying to spend time wid my bayybeh and Amy while they do their nails and watch the movie hanging with the Homeboys.UGGGGG, they'd only have to cover for me if I sed IM COMING LAYTE.then my teacher really thot i was coming.Then I guess the next day he made a personal fone call to my parents asking if there really was, cos i guess he ws js making sure cos he ws marking me present then they found out i didn't go to class and got super flamed when it ws my first time i was absent and i got like a week left of school =(.I stayed home Friday and got my LX taken away for the night I was saaaaad =(.I asked those kids that sit by me today and it was exactle how i thot it ws said i ws coming layte, jackasses now i gotta kick their asses lmao.Oh yeah and the last day of school, The school called saying i didnt show up and my dad got flamed..why woould they call? its the last day lmao.
Saturday, I went to a fam party and walked around Old Pasadena, down the strip.That night Sam and I were supposed to go to some kickback, but it cancelled by the time we got there, so we hung wid HotbOyz then I went home @ 11:30.
Sunday, I went to a family party to celebrate 3 birthdays, shyt was crackin.I saw some of my cousins that I haven't seen in a while and we all bonded wid eachother, which was nice.
Today, I hung out wid Arianne after summer school =) I came to her house and we chilled inside for a good hr.I took her to our seceret Korean Resturaunt and we cooked Bulgoki, which was better than our trays we buy haha.After, We went to Target and got me some face wash bcos my skin is too sensitive for the bar soap and got the 1$ Pantene mini's cos I didnt have enuff money for the big one lmao.Then we went to Bath and Body Works, where we wash our hands witht he special scrub and put on lip gloss..k no homo haha.Then we met up wid Soda Pop and hugn out wid that ngaaa, sorta.He was ashamed to be around me cos I was wearing lip gloss =( lol, not my fault its so refreshing haha.Nga kept saying take it off!! stop perking them @ me!!! haha.Saw Danika and Kathleen there too.My bayyybeh bought me Yogurtland cos i was hottter than a mutha effA.I rode up that big ass hill on South St TWICE, wid someone on the pegs haha.At the end of the day we went to Liberty Park where I pushed her on the swings,ran from a beatle, and sat in the shade under a tree =) My day was 10/10=FABULOUS like always wid her yaknow! & we took a polaroid picture where I'll place right next to my door wid all my other few pictures haha.Love you ButtttButttttt =)