Saturday, May 30, 2009
Bellflower is in.
Bellflower is trying to bring up that Bellflower Town Center like it's a Long Beach Town Center or like we live in LA down Bellflower Blvd. I mean it looks cool and all with all that they've decorated and what not, but there isn't ANYTHING to do there. Yogurtland in Bellflower? Close. Yogurt Flavors. And of course Rosewood Royale/Barbershop puts Bellflower on the map.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Good Music.
Dom Kennedy brings that good LA vibe to his music. He contributes to the street wear culture also since he grew up with it and is sponsored by The Hundreds I believe. He brings LA more alive from his music. I like how he represents Los Angeles well in his music and keeps it real as can be. Off the back as soon as you hear a few seconds of a song of his it's usually pretty catchy. My current favorite track I have on repeat by him is "Whole City on it" or "Hard Work". Check him out.

Drizzy Drake Rogers aka the guy from Degrassi. I don't care what Damon says, he could act and rap. Even though he takes after Lil Wayne in my opinion, he's still fire. Well, because Lil Wayne will always be fire. Having Lil Wayne on most of his tracks is pretty cool. He bring hit after hit after hit. Most of his songs that he releases are all hits like Wayne. He's talented too, not many cats sing, act, and rap nowadays. My current favorite track is "Every Girl". Drake standing next to a MVP not going to finals.

My good friend Kris Mars is the future. His music just brings a good vibe and puts me in the same sort of mind state when I listen to Kid Cudi or Big Sean. His lyrics and just the way he delivers is just crack, only 16 as well so he's still young. Telling ya'll this cat is going to get signed soon look out for him. Recently performed last Sunday at Rosewood Royale for our art show. My current favorite track from him is "Ask About Me" or his "Gotta Go. Check him out on myspace or youtube him to see the performance at Rosewood.

Drizzy Drake Rogers aka the guy from Degrassi. I don't care what Damon says, he could act and rap. Even though he takes after Lil Wayne in my opinion, he's still fire. Well, because Lil Wayne will always be fire. Having Lil Wayne on most of his tracks is pretty cool. He bring hit after hit after hit. Most of his songs that he releases are all hits like Wayne. He's talented too, not many cats sing, act, and rap nowadays. My current favorite track is "Every Girl". Drake standing next to a MVP not going to finals.
My good friend Kris Mars is the future. His music just brings a good vibe and puts me in the same sort of mind state when I listen to Kid Cudi or Big Sean. His lyrics and just the way he delivers is just crack, only 16 as well so he's still young. Telling ya'll this cat is going to get signed soon look out for him. Recently performed last Sunday at Rosewood Royale for our art show. My current favorite track from him is "Ask About Me" or his "Gotta Go. Check him out on myspace or youtube him to see the performance at Rosewood.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Press Telegram.
The swine flu is still buzzing through everyone's mouth isn't it? I bet half of the people never heard of the bird flu. The swine flu was always around until the news started to make a big deal out of it. I'm going to start telling people there's a dog flu so everyone will avoid their dogs in the backyard.

This used to be my favorite part of the news papers when I was younger. Gives me memories back in 5th grade when my friend would bring my elementary friend Kenny and I back those cards they hand out on the strip of Las Vegas.

I see The Hundreds doin it big as usual. I saw their blog today and to go outside and buy a Press Telegram. Read More here http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-thehundreds26-2009may26,0,5854632.story

Is Carmelo making the same face that he made when Ariza I mean "Threeza" stole ball from him? We lost Monday 2-2, but at least we're not LeBron and company that are 3-1 in their series. Looks like we're going to be playing Dwight Howard and the shooters in the ship, see you there.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
What makes all of you guys think LeBron is better than Kobe? He must be that good to actually hate him when we all live in LA. The Lakers swept..wait I mean SWEPT the Cavs in season, what makes you think we'll lose or won't do it again?

My Pictures Folder
My computers are always filled with memories, good times, or just random pictures. I like saving pictures and taking pictures to look back on and remember the times. My Pictures Folder on my computers are the main reason why they slow down and I have to delete a bunch.
This was a picture taken by Allyn Friday at Ghar Highschool's fashion show. She turned around randomly and quick as fuck and took a picture.

Here's a picture when we didn't hang out with Lian for a while and treated him like a king by carrying him around.

Just chillin with homies. Aint nothin you new about it.

Here's a picture of my ex and I at Rosewood Royale One Year Ann BBQ. I remember winning the raffle and got a size L Kid Robot t-shirt. I wish she would return my shirt and sweater though dammit.

Do you prefer the back?

Personally, I prefer the front. I heard a lot of people saying they prefer the back though.
This was a picture taken by Allyn Friday at Ghar Highschool's fashion show. She turned around randomly and quick as fuck and took a picture.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Best of The Best.
In N Out is the best burger fast food place that has touched this planet. They always get my extra onions on point and it always taste good. In n Out burgers are just different from any other burger. I feel like I could go to Burger King then go to McDonalds and would barely tell the difference between the two. The bad part about me getting 2 double doubles with extra onions is that it takes forever for the taste in my mouth to go away. The aroma doesn't bother me though, two double doubles in the afternoon or could probably set me for the day or even better at night, make me fall asleep quick.

Just Another Ritual.
Another one of our ritual is a roast session. One person a time of the group gets put on the spot light and "roasted" about their past ex's, bad sex stories, or anything embarrassing really, but most of the time it's just their bad past. Now you wouldn't want to be Sodapop in this situation. I think he's always our winner for the most roasted, but we enjoy roasting other people beside Soda more if we get the chance to.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
"We Could Have a Family, I Could Show You My Dick".
Last night was just another night kickin it with the bro, usual. We were supposed to watch Obsessed, but we found something better to do. Stayed in the garage and lounged inside for the night. Two Bit and I ended up sleeping over. Unfortunately, we didn't sleep until 3. Stayed up all night listening to that sex song by the Ying Yang Twins, Listening to Soda play the guitar, and free styling to instrumentals. If you think you like spam, rice, or cheese, you haven't met Sodapop yet. The guy has to eat cheese with everything, literally.

I didn't know cookies were supposed to taste like bread.

Stick up kid.

Emo boy.

Stick up kid.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
For Your Convenience.
Summer is almost here, The Hundreds still hotter than ever. Come Pick up Summer 09 The Hundreds/Stussy RIGHT NOW.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Brand New Miami Canes & Florida Gators Snap Backs for sale, 25$. If interested or any questions, aim=ponyboy2yoset.

Tofu House.
You can probably find my dad and I here every time he has a day off from work. If you like Korean food then you definitely should know wassup with this restaurant. If you haven't, then you need to step your Korean food game up. They have the best kimchi on this planet. Their side orders are the main reason I come here a lot because they're unlimited. Plus they give out FREE ice cream and FREE tea/coffee. Just be prepared to repeat yourself a lot since their English isn't so well when you ask for something.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Nipple Rings.
Cassie the one hit wonder, this one should keep her hot for a good minute.

Who would of known Rhianna looked this good.

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