Saturday, July 31, 2010
Heard I left a major deal, but my paper major still.
"XXL 2010 Freshman Wiz Kahlifa has signed with Atlantic Records. The Pittsburgh, PA MC and his long-time independent label Rostrum Records announced the deal with Atlantic today (July 30) as well as plans to release his debut album in early 2011."-XXL MAG

Reading My Friday Night Away.
But I'm fine with that. I didn't have shit to do today so this Source magazine I always look at when I'm at my friend Steven's house came in handy tonight. I figure If I want to learn more about certain things, I'd have to start reading and researching more. Magazine are perfect, especially this issue. What made me pick up this magazine was the green cover theme on the front cover with @JCole_NC and @RealWizKhalifa @CurrenSy_Spitta names on the front as well. My favorite part of Spitta's interview was when he says, "In the industry, people think they ca beat me because I'm the high guy. They think that I don't remember anything, that I'm slow, that I can't even count. The industry is funny like that."

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Just Another Summer Day.
Just another summer day, strolling thru the city. Chilling. Encountered a lot of beautiful women in their summer dresses and big shades. It doesn't get any better.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I've had my Sidekick LX for quite some time now. I know. I know exactly what you're thinking. I just rather spend my money on other things. The keyboard on it never gets old, but the fact that I don't NEED to buy a new one is why I still haven't upgraded. Keepin it G hahaha.. Maybe in a month or so I'll probably upgrade.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Just a Favor.
The homie Ydre has been asking me to take pictures of his stuff for sale & I finally got to it today. So might as well share them. Rode around the city for a cool minute. You should see these floating around Craigslist by tonight.

Not for sale, just for funds.

Monday, July 5, 2010
4 of July Bombs.
I woke up this morning to my twitter timeline filled up by Chip. Chip tha Ripper dropped a mixtape out of no where and retweeted a grip of tweets with him being @ at.
Brooks England x Vans Vault
Really like this project Vans did with Brooks. Brooks Saddles are some 100$ seats for bikes. Personally, I really want one on my bike haha. The fact that I've been starring at them for a while and now they collaborate with Vans. They're looking to dropping this Fall of this year. Most likely I'll pick these up. Vans did a good job on maintaining the theme of the Brooks Saddle. I was able to recognize the Brooks Saddle color scheme on the shoes without even reading the title of the shoe.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
AllHipHop Interview: DRAKE
In Part 1, Drake addressed a myriad of topics from critics to Rihanna, haters to Nicki Minaj, Thank Me Later to Lil Kim’s present beef. In Part 2, Drizzy is already thinking about the next move to further his career. He discusses his potential project with Lil Wayne, Young Money and a certain overused rap style. (Click here for Part 1)
AllHipHop.com: So I gather that you are already working on your next album already. Maybe Andre 3000, maybe a Wayne project. What do you have on deck?
Drake: Well I have some time coming up, so I am already trying to figure out where in the world I am going to start this next album. I have had some discussions with Oliver, who is my creative partner, I know the story I am going to tell, obviously since my story continues naturally but its just more like what is the approach we are going to take.
Me and 40 (his producer and friend) had a long talk the other day about new sounds that we could use and new equipment we could by. I really do actually want to evolve this go around. I think I understand what people like about me and I think I can see what the majority likes and I think it will be dope to focus on it then try some new things and see if they like that too.
But yea we are working on it. Working on the second album, really trying to get the R&B out there and looking to see who is working on a project, who I can lend my talent to and working just waiting for Wayne to get out so we can make more music.
AllHipHop.com: Can you talk about the Wayne/Drake project, have you guys discussed it at length at all?
Drake: When I went out to see him at jail, he just expressed his mutual interest in making that happen. I’ll tell you that some of my favorite songs I have ever done, most of the songs that I really like are with me and Wayne. I just think that we have this dynamic, where its like we have two different and dynamic individuals, so the song is never boring, and its never repetitive. Me and Wayne really do have two different things to talk about but we do it in a way that everyone loves so I think that project would be very beneficial. I am excited to work on that because I am excited to compete with Wayne. When we get in the studio it is pleasantly competitive and when what he comes up with makes me realize that I have a lot of work to do.
AllHipHop.com: How much do Young Money artists bounce off each other? I noticed you have similar inflections and cadences or rhyme patterns. I noticed this one thing that Nicki said, “It’s going down. Basement.”
Drake: Well, that flow has been killed by so many rappers. And, I never want to use that flow again in life. [Laughs] I wanted to take if off my album, because I was like, “I shut ‘em down. Onyx.” I hate the fact that that rhyme is still in there. To be honest, that flow, you can trace it back to like…I trace it back to Big Sean (artist on Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music). That’s the first guy I heard utilize that flow throughout the duration of a verse. I’ll give him that credit. I think Kanye got it from him. Me and Wayne found a dope way to do it. I don’t want to sound cocky, but the best way its been used was on “Forever.” Those lines just all individually make so much sense. They’re all punchlines. Then a bunch of rappers started doing it and using the most terrible references in the world. I don’t want to offend somebody…I hate that rappers picked that flow up. I wish they had left that for people that know how to use it. [They go like] “It’s a parade! MACY’S!”
At that point, you never want to use it.
AllHipHop.com: How hard it for you to appease this Young Money crowd and the commercial realm that you’ve managed to penetrate.
Drake: Well, those two to me are the same thing – Young Money and commercial. Its harder to please my “Comeback Season” / Cudi / J. Cole fans. Those are the people that I only please on songs like “9am In Dallas,” were I really get a chance to rap. Where I really get a chance to rap and rap my heart out – like no breaks. That’s where I get to please those people. I choose beats that’s still sexy, still melodic, but I can say great raps on it and that appeals to both ends. It’s a toss up. I mean, some people are never gonna give you a break. I feel like I do a great job getting on commercial records and holding it down for lyricism. I spend a lot of time thinking my verses through. I never waste bars. I try to fill a verse. Even if you take the Alicia Keys verse from “Unthinkable,” its not a bunch of punchlines or the most impressive [verse], but I want to make sure that at every moment, I am saying something. The way I measure it, even though I don’t go on there much, when people quote me on Twitter, that’s how I know I’ve done something right. Its like they are taking pieces of that verse and it means something to you. Its interesting to see what lines mean what to certain people.
AllHipHop.com: How come Nas wasn’t on the album? He's somebody you admire a lot.
Drake: He was someone that I wanted to study from afar because I didn’t necessarily understand his style. Nas’ rhyme scheme to me was always so complex so, sometime I realize that the way I am rapping is sort of the same way so I wanted to understand how someone else thinks and how they could not rap like me and Nas was just the best subject because its just so good and so complex. I have talked to Nas about music, which will happen, just wanted to use him more as a reference point for this album than as a feature.
AllHipHop.com: How has it been to thrive, I know a lot of times when a leader of a hip hop crew goes to jail, the rest of the crew suffers. But you and Nicki have managed to thrive, what do you attribute that to?
Drake: I would attribute that to our leader being a fearless leader. He doesn’t try to use his power to control us or change us in any way. We have been summoned to make people love us for who we are and what we really want to be.
(Phone call is cut and Drake calls back shortly to pick up the conversation)
AllHipHop.com You were talking about Wayne.
Drake: His approach with his artists is very trusting, very fearless, and because of that, we have been put out into the world like trying to make people love us for who we are on our own, without Wayne. So with Wayne gone, its possible for me and her (Nicki Minaj) to still thrive. I think that’s the best approach and I respect Wayne so much, because he urged us to be ourselves maybe in anticipation for the day that he’s not here. So we can still be ourselves without him. I don’t need Wayne to be Drake. I’m a better Drake when Wayne is here, but I don’t need Wayne to be Drake. Nicki doesn’t need Wayne to be Nicki. She created Nicki [Minaj]. We’re all a better team when he’s here, but it’s not a necessity. For us, it’s a great thing so we can still carry this movement.
AllHipHop.com: So I gather that you are already working on your next album already. Maybe Andre 3000, maybe a Wayne project. What do you have on deck?
Drake: Well I have some time coming up, so I am already trying to figure out where in the world I am going to start this next album. I have had some discussions with Oliver, who is my creative partner, I know the story I am going to tell, obviously since my story continues naturally but its just more like what is the approach we are going to take.
Me and 40 (his producer and friend) had a long talk the other day about new sounds that we could use and new equipment we could by. I really do actually want to evolve this go around. I think I understand what people like about me and I think I can see what the majority likes and I think it will be dope to focus on it then try some new things and see if they like that too.
But yea we are working on it. Working on the second album, really trying to get the R&B out there and looking to see who is working on a project, who I can lend my talent to and working just waiting for Wayne to get out so we can make more music.
AllHipHop.com: Can you talk about the Wayne/Drake project, have you guys discussed it at length at all?
Drake: When I went out to see him at jail, he just expressed his mutual interest in making that happen. I’ll tell you that some of my favorite songs I have ever done, most of the songs that I really like are with me and Wayne. I just think that we have this dynamic, where its like we have two different and dynamic individuals, so the song is never boring, and its never repetitive. Me and Wayne really do have two different things to talk about but we do it in a way that everyone loves so I think that project would be very beneficial. I am excited to work on that because I am excited to compete with Wayne. When we get in the studio it is pleasantly competitive and when what he comes up with makes me realize that I have a lot of work to do.
AllHipHop.com: How much do Young Money artists bounce off each other? I noticed you have similar inflections and cadences or rhyme patterns. I noticed this one thing that Nicki said, “It’s going down. Basement.”
Drake: Well, that flow has been killed by so many rappers. And, I never want to use that flow again in life. [Laughs] I wanted to take if off my album, because I was like, “I shut ‘em down. Onyx.” I hate the fact that that rhyme is still in there. To be honest, that flow, you can trace it back to like…I trace it back to Big Sean (artist on Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music). That’s the first guy I heard utilize that flow throughout the duration of a verse. I’ll give him that credit. I think Kanye got it from him. Me and Wayne found a dope way to do it. I don’t want to sound cocky, but the best way its been used was on “Forever.” Those lines just all individually make so much sense. They’re all punchlines. Then a bunch of rappers started doing it and using the most terrible references in the world. I don’t want to offend somebody…I hate that rappers picked that flow up. I wish they had left that for people that know how to use it. [They go like] “It’s a parade! MACY’S!”
At that point, you never want to use it.
AllHipHop.com: How hard it for you to appease this Young Money crowd and the commercial realm that you’ve managed to penetrate.
Drake: Well, those two to me are the same thing – Young Money and commercial. Its harder to please my “Comeback Season” / Cudi / J. Cole fans. Those are the people that I only please on songs like “9am In Dallas,” were I really get a chance to rap. Where I really get a chance to rap and rap my heart out – like no breaks. That’s where I get to please those people. I choose beats that’s still sexy, still melodic, but I can say great raps on it and that appeals to both ends. It’s a toss up. I mean, some people are never gonna give you a break. I feel like I do a great job getting on commercial records and holding it down for lyricism. I spend a lot of time thinking my verses through. I never waste bars. I try to fill a verse. Even if you take the Alicia Keys verse from “Unthinkable,” its not a bunch of punchlines or the most impressive [verse], but I want to make sure that at every moment, I am saying something. The way I measure it, even though I don’t go on there much, when people quote me on Twitter, that’s how I know I’ve done something right. Its like they are taking pieces of that verse and it means something to you. Its interesting to see what lines mean what to certain people.
AllHipHop.com: How come Nas wasn’t on the album? He's somebody you admire a lot.
Drake: He was someone that I wanted to study from afar because I didn’t necessarily understand his style. Nas’ rhyme scheme to me was always so complex so, sometime I realize that the way I am rapping is sort of the same way so I wanted to understand how someone else thinks and how they could not rap like me and Nas was just the best subject because its just so good and so complex. I have talked to Nas about music, which will happen, just wanted to use him more as a reference point for this album than as a feature.
AllHipHop.com: How has it been to thrive, I know a lot of times when a leader of a hip hop crew goes to jail, the rest of the crew suffers. But you and Nicki have managed to thrive, what do you attribute that to?
Drake: I would attribute that to our leader being a fearless leader. He doesn’t try to use his power to control us or change us in any way. We have been summoned to make people love us for who we are and what we really want to be.
(Phone call is cut and Drake calls back shortly to pick up the conversation)
AllHipHop.com You were talking about Wayne.
Drake: His approach with his artists is very trusting, very fearless, and because of that, we have been put out into the world like trying to make people love us for who we are on our own, without Wayne. So with Wayne gone, its possible for me and her (Nicki Minaj) to still thrive. I think that’s the best approach and I respect Wayne so much, because he urged us to be ourselves maybe in anticipation for the day that he’s not here. So we can still be ourselves without him. I don’t need Wayne to be Drake. I’m a better Drake when Wayne is here, but I don’t need Wayne to be Drake. Nicki doesn’t need Wayne to be Nicki. She created Nicki [Minaj]. We’re all a better team when he’s here, but it’s not a necessity. For us, it’s a great thing so we can still carry this movement.
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