Yesterday I hung out with Rissa to watch 21.I got dropped off by her house and as usual she took forever to come outside.So while we were walking there, SHE argued with me as usual too haha about her parents and I hanging out and her well..not so invited haha.I doubled the size of my ice cream for 50cents, but the ice cream was too fuckin big so Rissas fat ass finished it haha.21 was a good movie.We went to the Corner Bakery after cos WE were hungry.We sat and talked for like 2 hrs haha it was like talkin on the fone.We talked about our fat kid Jordan with a mullet and a billion rolls,Kevin the Smart,Sexy, yet Cocky one hahaaa, and Brooklyn the BOY is just gna be the stupid one hahaaa.OR in her story its the pretty girl whos gna get all the guys..not.Then we talked about how were gna go all the way like all the way to the top cos you know im Ponyboy hahaa.
Plus i wear the turquoise pants that i started in the relationship cos im Ponyboy again hahahaaa.It was a good night.She ended up not getting yogurt with her sister, sorry.Maybe she'll make me cupcakes again tho lmao.At like 5:30 in the morning i woke up and she picked up for the first time haha.We talked til like 7 and fell asleep, then @ 9 i went to baskteball practice.Plans for today, basketball game and Jasons house @ night.It was a good day, I love you Rissa.
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