Yesterday turned out to be a good day instead of a hot/skunked one.My girlfriend and I went on a date around 8 o'clock.Its been awhile since we've just hugn out for the night haha cos usually we hang out the whole entire day.It gave me that feeling I used to get when we were still talking haha.Cold Winter Nights, she wouldn't bring a jacket so I'd give her mine, and went on dates every Friday or Saturday night during school haha.Don't get me wrong, I love seeing her everyday its just before we only saw eachother for the night and i remember the feeling on going on those dates haha.We've been together for half a year and im really happy wid her.We watched The Mummy, but i didn't really pay attn to the movie,being wid her was better haha.We ate Yogurtland and 5 gummy bears aka our future family, while i fed her some yogurt and put some on her nose ahha.Love you bayyyybeh 
Oh yeah my gf didn't apporve of my Hundreds tee, but she let me slide this one time cos ot wasn't that bad haha, she won't let me wear shirts wid naked girls on em she hates it haha.i love you tho <3
1 comment:
Lawwwwlllll i look ugly in that picture and theres a shadow on my chinny chin chin. love yaahhhhhhh =)
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