Oh boy you're just too fitted, aren't you.

Lookin like a pack of wolves ate your legs!

Jordan 8s for school today

My dad picked me up after school to go buy my mommy a mango cake, because today is her brithday =) I love you mother.After we went to Yoshinoya to eat a snack as usual when he has a day off haha.

When I came home, I found out Flyin Ryan was an employee at Rosewood starting today.Wanted to pay him a visit on his first day sorta haha.Congrats buddy!

The BIG BO$$ FRANCIS with the Undefeated hat and Hesco.

Some cats rolled up on their bikes to chill.Made a new friend today, ^the black boy in the picture.Sup Deandre! haha

Came home then my dad and I picked up my mom from work to take her out to Thai BBQ.I love you mommmmmmy =) You're the best mommmmah in the world FTW! Happy Birthday!

Who's more handsome? My dad keeps insiting, hes soooo guapo..yeaaa rightttt old man haha.