Today I biked to Arianne's house to pick her up so we can go swimming at my house.After that we took a shower then she ate chicken and I had spaghettO haha.we rented 40 Year Old Virgin, fuck we didn't even watch it tho ahha i'll watch it tommorow I guess.
Meet my black girl that loves chicken and eats it wid Tapatio to make it even more spicier <3>
I am their hero for today, there was a wosp nest infront of Amy's door and I knocked it down, took awhile but still craCked it haha.There another one I discovered on the side of the house..but i guess that'll have to wait for another blog haha.
After along day of killing bees we said wassup to the ice cream man haha.Girlfweeeen sure does look like shes enjoying that Bomb Pop I bought her haha.
Ended the night on a good tip, always does when were @ Amy's haha.We talked about til the sun went down completely then I got picked up by my dad.Talked up a storm about school is only a day away now.. whomp
I guess I'm ready for school..whompidy whomp whomp WHOMP
My dad and I went to Bulgoki recently to have lunch together..tommorow hopefully I can get a haircut and spend a few last moments wid my bro Lian, spend some time wid dad and see My girlfweeen for a little.Good bye summer, I am...
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