Saturday, July 31, 2010

Heard I left a major deal, but my paper major still.

"XXL 2010 Freshman Wiz Kahlifa has signed with Atlantic Records. The Pittsburgh, PA MC and his long-time independent label Rostrum Records announced the deal with Atlantic today (July 30) as well as plans to release his debut album in early 2011."-XXL MAG



Anonymous said...

big ups to Wiz

josh(the blog critic) said...

basically ill admit that i was interested in wiz at one time and i thought that tyga tyga music was better than his but i was forsure wrong ,, i downloaded some wiz songs and was blown away he is a good rapper i have a good 8 songs of his on my ipod lol .. but yea bigs up tp wiz khalifa .. jet set x taylor gang or drink bleech