Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy 3 Months Rissa

Friday, Rissa was sick so she stayed and got rested.That night I went to Two-Bit's house.We went to CTC to see KCpongpong,Deerock,and napoLIAN.After me,twobit, and anthony hit up some party in was pretty whack, til everyone started coming, but it got rolled right everyone went to Burger King haha and kicked it there.After it got too late so ayee!set and us 3 walked from that party to chs then we went to anthonys where me and two bit stayed til 1 o'clock..sober..hahaha.It was a good night after all.Saturday, I celebrated my 3months with Rissa at the carnival in Lakewood.The carnival was aiiiiigh i didn't know anyone but she knew all her little 8thgrade friends hahaaa..twobit and sodapop came thru and we walked aorund and rode one ride where we got scared on cos someone guy popped outta nowhere at the end.haha then we saw these 2 girls fighting and the mom was reallly breaking it up...not hahaa.I walked her home and we hung out on the curb by her house.when I first saw her I had a energy bar box that i always eat and ws like "u want one?" and inside it was a Hellz Bellz shirt haha.I gave her a baby picture of me that i wrote on the back of,2 energy bars,Hellz Bellz shirt, and Chowder's sticker! haha which i think Rissa took but its okay.It was a goood night.Sunday,HAPPY 3 MONTHS! :) haha today on Mother's day was the actual date but we hung out yesterday but its alll goood haha.Today, I went to Church,Ate out,Mall for awhile, and ate out again and hung out with my parents @ home.I loooove you mommy, thanks for always telling me i could become or have anything in life as long as I tried.Rissa, thanks for being my girlfriend, and someone that could always cheer me up, or I could talk to about anything, we've have alot of fun times together haha.You guys are the best =).Lakers lost =(.I had a gooood weekend.HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! & HAPPY 3 MONTHS, i love you Rissa :)

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Arianne Balboa said...
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